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This social app allows you to launch a sweepstakes contest on Facebook page quickly with very little effort. It is yet another way of engaging with your Facebook fans as well as growing your subscribers list. Visitors have to click the Like button before running the app.
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Social Sweepstakes

Get Facebook likes

The app lets you create a customizable form with images and texts on Facebook page. The font size and color can be chosen as desired. Visitors fill in their details on a single page and automatically enter into a sweepstakes contest. While more fans get added to your database, they get a thank you card as well as a chance to win a prize.
Facebook Sweepstakes

Efficient way to attract fans

The sweepstakes app adds further to your branding effort and helps in spreading the word. Choosing attractive themes in the form and thank you card can help create a lasting impression about your company in the minds of visitors. With very little cash outflow in the form of winner’s purse, the app can give high ROI through free Facebook likes and increased subscriber base.
Facebook Likes

Fan Gate - Facebook Likes

Like a gated community, you can either allow only those who like your content in or allow all people through the gates. Add a "like" gate and turn visitors into fans.
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